location: North America, Europe
edibility: Inedible
fungus colour: White to cream
normal size: 5-15cm
cap type: Other
stem type: Lateral, rudimentary or absent
spore colour: White, cream or yellowish
habitat: Grows on the ground, Grows on wood
Abortiporus biennis (Bull. ex Fr.) Sing. syn Heteroporus biennis (Bull. ex Fr.) Laz. syn. Daedalea biennis Bull. ex Fr., Blushing Rosette. Fruit body variable, irregularly top-shaped, or rosette-like, or fused together into amorphous masses, 3-9cm across, 0.5-1.5cm thick, flattened to concave, surface downy to felty, whitish soon becoming pinkish. Tubes 2-6mm long, decurrent. Pores 1-2 per mm, angular and irregular, becoming maze-like, whitish bruising reddish. Spores elliptic-ovate to subglobose, 4-7 x 3.5-4.5ยต. Long undulating worm-like refractive gloeocystidia present in the hymenium. In addition to the normal basidiospores the fungus also produces similarly shaped chlamydospores in the flesh and hymenium. Habitat on the ground from roots or wood chips of deciduous trees. Season autumn, annual. Occasional. Not edible. Distribution, America and Europe.
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